
More money for Italia.it

By Friday, 10 February 2023 10:04

So let's be clear: a portal that so far has cost €45 million and will soon have another €144 million from the Pnrr, should be the portal of portals.

And not just in Italy, in the world. One of those mega sites that works perfectly, is consulted in Italy and abroad, and has millions of visits and millions of services and clicks.

Instead, this is the story of Italia.it, the biggest flop in Italian tourism, which began with the 3rd Berlusconi government in 2005. In short, it is a story that has been going on for almost twenty years and that has still not found a solution. Despite the fact that the governments that succeeded Berlusconi have continued to support this monstrous portal that no one or few people use, that is quite banal in its content, and that lacks essential services. 

The point is: is it right and natural to spend such an enormous amount of public money on something that does not work and has never worked? The answer, of course, is no.

Giuseppe AloeGiuseppe Aloe
Editor in Chief


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