
Sorrento:  the charm, history, and beauty of Italy’s coastal gem

By Tuesday, 11 June 2024 15:51

Discover Sorrento, a sun-soaked paradise of charm, history and beauty where lemon trees and pastel buildings meet turquoise waters. 

Luxury hotels and quaint cobbled streets

Sorrento which is on the Sorrentine Peninsula across the bay from Naples, the home of the much-loved Limoncello liqueur and luxury hotels, and attracts visitors with its charming streets and proximity to some of Italy’s most iconic destinations like Amalfi and Positano, without forgetting the city of Naples and, of course, Mount Vesuvius.  Starting at Piazza Tasso which is the heart of Sorrento, visitors wander along narrow cobbled streets lined with little shops, stopping at pavement cafés for a leisurely lunch.

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Hidden Mediterranean coves and luxury dining

Culture vultures will not want to miss a visit to Queen Giovanna's Baths. This is a stunning natural swimming spot and archaeological site where, it is said, the Anjou queen bathed in the 14th century.  Many like to take boat trips to enjoy the Mediterranean coast’s breathtaking cliffs and hidden coves and these tours can include stops at Amalfi and Positano as well as on Capri, the renowned celebrity playground. With its luxurious shops and restaurants, take time for the Monte Solaro chairlift, coastal walks, and for a boat trip to the famous Blue Grotto. For Capri it’s best to beat the crowds by arriving from the mainland on an early-morning ferry or hydrofoil.  

Ancient history, and stunning nature

Not far from Sorrento there is Pompeii which offers a glimpse into ancient Roman life and has been preserved by Mount Vesuvius’s 79 A.D eruption. Walk the historic streets, exploring houses, temples, and amphitheaters frozen in time. Nature lovers will not want to miss climbing Mount Vesuvius, which towers over the city of Naples and is one of the world’s most monitored volcanoes. Coaches also depart for Vesuvius from Sorrento and Pompeii, and the more adventurous will want to hike the final stretch to the crater for the stunning panoramic views. Back in Sorrento many of the best sights are accessible by walking the numerous trails and mountain paths that lead from the town center through lush greenery, lemon groves, and charming hillside villages. 


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