
Blue Tour presents the Italian Blue Route 2023 Mediterranean journey

By Monday, 05 June 2023 11:58

The Italian Blue Route 2023 is a promotional journey along ancient Mediterranean sea routes. 

A Mediterranean journey in the Jancris sailing boat

Blue Tour’s Italian Blue Route itinerary, aimed at the development of territorial sustainability and of the economy of the sea, brings together places, knowhow and traditions, and the great cultural, gastronomic and natural characteristics of the sea, the coast and their communities. This single coastal itinerary on the handsome Jancris sailing boat interprets and promotes Italy’s great maritime heritage, developing synergies and vision with the blueconomy and the land. Local communities along the route become players in optimizing the social context, accessibility, and inclusiveness, also through the sharing of good practices and experiences gleaned from other European and international territories.

jancris vele 2 Jancris sailing boat

Tracing the ancient route of Ulysses

The Jancris is to set sail from Lerici in Liguria on 18 June, stopping in Punta Ala in Tuscany and then in the Porto di Traino and the Porto di Roma in Lazio.  The Italian Blue Route then heads south to Calabria, moves on to Messina in Sicily and ends in Calabria’s Porto di Roccella Ionica on 5-6 August. Following the ancient route of Ulysses through Calabria and Sicily, it sails along some of the most beautiful parts of the Italian coastline.  

Promoting territorial sustainability and the economy of the sea

The theme of the Mediterranean’s ancient navigation routes is one of the pivotal points on this itinerary highlighting ancient peoples and cultures, as it connects the sea with the coast and with the hinterland, in a dialogue that has long accompanied the relationship between man, land and the water. Drawing on Italy’s past, Blue Tour’s project is strongly projected towards the role local communities together with public and private players, can play in the development of territorial sustainability and the economy of the sea. The Italian Blue Route will be at the international Meet Tourism event of cultural itineraries to be held in Messina from 18 to 21 October, 2023.


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