
Missing Italia: experiences are what people are looking for in Italy 

By Friday, 26 April 2024 11:04

Experiences, experiences, experiences. This is what people are looking for in Italy. 

Experiences are a top seller

"People no longer want to be just visitors, to sit and watch as if they were at the cinema, they want to be part of the film,” says Michela Trevisan, a founder of Missing Italia, the incoming operator based in the province of Padua,. “In a nutshell, they want experiences, like meeting a family and eating together, or learning how to make pasta. But the experience can also be organizing a bicycle trip in the hills, in the mountains or elsewhere. In short, it is no longer just about cooking classes. We have to be ready for new opportunities.”

English and French-speaking markets

Founded in 2004 by five partners Missing Italia has grown while remaining faithful to its mission which is as an inbound operator.

"Our reference markets are France for organized and group travel. Then there is the entire English-speaking world, in particular the United States, with a bit of the Far East thrown in, these areas are more interested in individual trips and small groups. We strive to take care of every detail and be available 24/7 seven days a week.”

“We strongly believe in the future of inbound tourism”

After Covid the demand has grown exponentially, adds Trevisan. “In fact, almost too fast because public administrations are not always fully cooperative with tourism providers. And then, of course, prices have risen,  sometimes even excessively compared to the level of services that have not always risen accordingly. We strongly believe in the future of inbound tourism.” 


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