
Friuli’s 1st Terre Tagliamento Festival from 19 to 24 September

By Wednesday, 13 September 2023 12:07
Tagliamento Tagliamento river - Morsano

Friuli’s 1st Terre Tagliamento Festival hops between the banks and villages of the Tagliamento river from 19 to 24 September.

A guide and a series of workshops 

With a rich programme of activities and events, the first Terre Tagliamento Festival will take place from 19 to 24 September, a collaboration between eight municipalities in the province of Pordenone, in the northern Friuli-Venezia Giulia region The festival aims to promote the destination with the publication of a guide and a series of workshops involving summer camp students. 


A cultural programme and nature excursions

The festival programme includes a week of events and activities that will invite the public to visit evocative and historically significant places, such as the former Casarsa della Delizia armoury and the furnace of San Paolo di Morsano al Tagliamento. There will also be innovative visits such as those to the Vivai di Rauscedo research centre, and historic centres such as San Vito al Tagliamento, Sesto al Reghena, and the Castle of Valvasone Arzene. The programme will also feature the nature and landscapes of San Martino, Cordovado and the Tagliamento river. Alongside walking and cycling excursions there will be a rich cultural programme with performances and meetings with authors, artists, and personalities from Friuli’s cultural and theatrical world.

mini Piazza del Popolo San Vito al Tagliamento DJI 0786Piazza del Popolo San Vito al Tagliamento

Vivai Rauscedo San Giorgio
For information: https://terretagliamento.it


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