
MICE & Events

The Luxury Hospitality Conference returns to the Nh Collection CityLife in Milan on 15 September with the second edition of the Teamwork event dedicated to luxury in hospitality. The event, created in collaboration with Hotelmypasssion, will explore the themes of a sector that interests 70% of global investors. In fact…
Visitors can discover the mysterious Etruscan people on the island of Elba from July to October to find out how the Etruscans lived. If it is true that they wrote from right to left and then backwards, in alternating lines. If their cuisine was very different from ours. If it…
There was optimism at Milan’s Hospitality Forum 2022 with global real estate investments in the hotel industry set to more than double in 2021 compared to 2020, approaching €70 billion. This is the global figure from the 2022 report on the hotel real estate market, presented at the Hospitality Forum…
Toscana…in love, for weddings in Tuscany’s Chianciano Terme, is the brainchild of Maria Rita Giurlani who, seeing the potential of the Tuscan town, intends to give it new impetus as a destination for the celebration of prestigious weddings. Working in synergy with local and national entrepreneurs and institutions, she intends…
The Motorcycle Custom Show returns to Rome 3-4 September. A unique opportunity for fans of two and four wheels to experience bike shows, demo rides of 2021 models, vintage collections and much more. This 6th edition will take over the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome’s EUR district, on the first…
The XXIV edition of Paestum’s Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange (BMTA) will run from Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 October 2022 in the Cafasso Tobacco Factory, the archaeological area and the National Museum. The event is promoted by the Campania Region, the City of Capaccio Paestum and the Archaeological Park of…
In Governolo, a charming village in the province of Mantua, everything is ready for the most anticipated event of the year. From Thursday 9 to Monday 13 June, and again from Saturday 18 to Wednesday 22 June, great food, music and various shows will be the order of the day.…
Genoa has a rich and fascinating history Genoa celebrates one of its greatest periods of splendour from March 27 to July 10, 2022 with the Superbarocco Project. The Baroque period, between the 17th and 18th centuries was when the Republic reached its apex o and experienced a moment of singular…

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The Crowne Plaza Rome - St. Peter's

The Crowne Plaza Rome - St. Peter's

The Crowne Plaza Rome - St. Peter's is an elegant 4-star sup…

The Crowne Plaza Rome - St. Peter's

The Crowne Plaza Rome - St. Peter's

The Crowne Plaza Rome - St. Peter's is an elegant 4-star sup…


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