
Visit Brescia showcases its regional appeal for international buyers

By Tuesday, 22 October 2024 19:22

Visit Brescia was an “outsider” that showcased the region’s appeal for international buyers on an ItaliAbsolutely fam trip to the Emilia-Romagna and Marche regions.  

“Brescia is 9th in Italy for tourist arrivals” 

The fam trip with which Italiabsolutely took a group of buyers to discover unusual aspects of  the Emilia Romagna and Marche regions, had as its “outsider” Visit Brescia, an in-house company of the Lombardy city's Chamber of Commerce, which hosted the buyers for an evening of  business and entertainment held at the Club del Sole in Rimini. Following the welcome greetings of Graziano Pennacchio and Manuel Gabriele, respectively managing director and general manager of Visit Brescia, a video featured the various aspects of the area and its many attractions. “For years Brescia has been by definition the city of iron and steel,- said Graziano Pennacchio, CEO of Visit Brescia, - but we must also remember that we are 9th in Italy for tourist arrivals, with volumes that exceed those of the whole of Sicily.”

The city and 206 municipalities are actively promoted

The Italian Capital of Culture 2023, together with Bergamo, Brescia is becoming increasingly aware of its appeal. “If the name Visit Brescia leads one to think that promotional activity is limited to the city,- continued Pennacchio, -in reality the commitment is extended to 206 municipalities and areas of great appeal. From Franciacorta with its signature wine routes to the triptych of lakes - Garda , Iseo and Idro - that are an authentic magnet for nature and outdoor enthusiasts, to Pontedilegno and Tonale that are favourites with mountain lovers in all seasons. Then there is our cultural wealth, from the Santa Giulia Museum, to Padernello Castle and the Brixia Romana park, one of the best-preserved archaeological sites in Italy, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011.” 

The Brescia area has 16 five-star hotels and 13 golf courses

The fulcrum of the evening was a workshop that saw around a dozen Brescian operators (see box) present the diversity of offerings and the level of hospitality provided to visitors from various EU countries, North America, China and Malaysia. “Of the 700 hotels in the Brescia area, 16 are five-star and we have 13 golf courses and a number of starred restaurants,- said the CEO of Visit Brescia who added that the governance project, which started in 2023, will take effect within three years. “The intention is to transform the PR and communications firm into a DMO connecting supply and demand and be a true benchmark for local DMOs, proactively organizing B2B and B2C workshops.”  Visit Brescia is a partner of the main trade fairs and promotional events organized by the Lombardy Region in Europe, the USA, Canada and the Middle East.

The Visit Brescia workshop was attended by the following operators:

Boutique Hotel Villa Sostaga, Caldana Europe Travel, Municipality of Brescia, Consorzio Lago di Garda Lombardia, Italy destinations by Paltours, Bonatto Hotels & Apartments, Strada del Vino - Franciacorta,Tourism Office of the Mountain Community of Valle Sabbia, Visit Trompia Valley.


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