
Summer. Recovery and disinterest

By Friday, 08 April 2022 10:04

As widely predicted the war that broke out with Russia's invasion of Ukraine has cooled enthusiasm for a full recovery of domestic and international tourism. This slowdown could put the Easter holidays at risk, with foreign tourists staying away and bookings plunging.

The summer season, on the other hand, is very much on track. All indicators predict a lively summer with regenerated flows of tourism, both national and international which, after two years of total standstill, is starting to pick up again. 

But this scenario should not make us think that all the problems of organized tourism have been hammered out. Recently Astoi’s president Pier Ezahay said that even with a good summer “organised tourism will close the year with a 30/40% drop compared to 2019, which is still better than the 81% nosedive of 2021.”

Something worth pondering on. Losses have not yet been recovered and there is almost total disinterest from the authorities who should be supporting such an  important sector of the Italian economy. This is what happens in a country that thinks too much about trivialities and not enough about the real deal.

Giuseppe AloeGiuseppe Aloe
Editor in Chief


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