
Italy is an exclusive luxury destination for 20% of foreign visitors: ENIT and Unioncamere 

By Friday, 13 October 2023 07:44
ENIT The opening of TTG Travel Experience exhibition

Italy is an exclusive destination according to the ENIT study conducted by Unioncamere with the technical support of Isnart. 

Italy’s allure is its exclusivity 

Over 20% of foreign tourists choose Italy attracted by the Italian lifestyle, associating its “allure” with exclusivity. The survey showed that end of July forecasts were confirmed with a growth in sales over 2019. An average room occupancy rate of 75.3% in July and 85% in August was confirmed at the end of the summer which, compared to 2019, is one more room for every 10. And for the autumn the forecast is that 44.8% of rooms are booked for October, which is higher than the 2019 sell-out. 

daniela santancè Italian tourism minister

“There is an increase in demand from foreign tourists” 

"These trends are further confirmation that Italy is intercepting the recovery of tourism, with an increase in demand from foreign tourists, who see us - and rightly so - as the ideal destination for exclusivity and excellence. Medium-high income visitors with a propensity to spend generate significant revenue, create jobs, increase the visibility and image of our brand, and are a driving force for tourism as a whole, including low-cost tourism,” said tourism minister Daniela Santanchè.

Daily expenditure is up compared to 2022

"Italy has increasing tourist potential thanks to its extraordinary combination of culture, cuisine, natural beauty and accessibility. With the right support and promotion, Italy will continue to attract more and more tourists,- says Ivana Jelinic, president and CEO of ENIT. - The survey shows how high prices influenced the spending profile of many tourists this summer.  The average daily expenditure was €71 per day per capita for accommodation, an increase of €15 per day compared to summer 2022 (+27%). Prices have led many to try to save on other items such as meals out, entertainment, shopping and also culture. So it is not surprising that the average expenditure on goods and services which was €60 per person per day, appears to have fallen compared to last summer (-13%) and also to 2019 (-5%).  

The web and social media influence 48% of tourists’ choice

For big spenders the average on accommodation rises to €184 per person per day (€110 more than the average foreign tourist) and for goods and services some €209 (almost three times the average expenditure), with 68% of international tourists spending on fashion and typical handicrafts. The web and social media are now the first and most important vehicle for communicating the excellence of Italy and influence 48% of tourists in their choice of destination.


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