
Magical Autumn Interweavings. 14-16 October in Friuli Venezia Giulia 

By Thursday, 01 September 2022 09:00
Castle of Strassoldo - Castello di Strassoldo di Spra Castle of Strassoldo

Magical Autumn Interweavings (Magici Intrecci Autunnali) in the Friuli, Venezia Giulia region, from 14 to16 October in the Castle of Strassoldo, half an hour's drive from the provincial capital of Udine, are a refined autumn exhibition dedicated to handicrafts and nursery gardening of excellence. 

Arts, crafts and rare plants

This year Magici Intrecci Autunnali will be held in the Strassoldo di Sopra Castle in the spacious covered and open-air spaces embellished with imaginative autumn decorations. On display will be the latest arts, crafts and plants of more than 100 master craftsmen, artists and nurserymen of excellence, personally selected by the hostess Gabriella Williams Strassoldo. 


A selection of perfect Christmas gifts

The master craftsmen will propose decorations and furnishings for the home and garden and there will also be small handicraft companies with the best of Friuli’s production. The wide range of elegant and original articles will be perfect non-trivial Christmas presents, those special gifts that are so difficult to find. Also significant will be the presence of some of Italy's leading nurserymen with rare, ancient and special plants. 

Refreshment areas and guided tours

The event - which will be held safely in compliance with Covid regulations - will also be held in the event of rain, since most of the exhibitors will be inside the castle, and those outside will be protected by large gazebos, as is customary for these country events.

Delicacies and light fare will be served in the two refreshment areas in the shade of centuries-old trees, and there will also be guided tours for small groups to visit the exteriors of the two castles.

Tickets online: https://www.vivaticket.com/it/Ticket/magici-intrecci-autunnali/186758.

For information: www.castellodistrassoldo.it


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