
Bluserena’s ESG collaboration agreement with Savills has kicked off

By Tuesday, 16 January 2024 10:33

Bluserena’s collaboration to develop the corporate ESG strategy in cooperation with the real estate consultancy Savills has kicked off. 

"Sustainability is at the core of our operations” 

This collaboration creates a framework that integrates the governance criteria, the operational aspects of the hotel company and the environmental impacts of the resorts.  "Sustainability is at the core of our operations,- says Marcello Cicalò CEO of Bluserena Hotels & Resorts. -We are excited by this partnership with Savills. Together, we are committed to implementing green and socially responsible initiatives to reduce our environmental impact and create a sustainable working environment.” 

Eliminating plastic and reducing food waste are priorities

The parties are now examining the different thematic areas, listing the necessary actions in order of impact priority,  and setting up the ESG strategy and consequent action plan. Bluserena's commitment on these issues started at the beginning of 2023 with the reduction in the use of single-use plastic in resorts by 50% over the course of the year, the use of energy produced by photovoltaic panels, and the aim of equipping all the facilities with photovoltaic energy by 2027. In addition, Bluserena has implemented a policy of reducing food waste. 


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