Qc Terme has changed its name becoming Spa of Wonders.
QC is looking to expand worldwide
The rebranding stems from the need to extend its concept of holistic wellness beyond the word Spa. And so, one of the main protagonists of Italian wellness changes its name to Qc Spa of Wonders. An important step, in line with an ambitious expansion strategy that, after New York, looks increasingly worldwide.
A new campus, spa, hotel and headquarters in Milan
On the horizon, the group's CEO corporate activities and development Francesco Varni, told the Italian daily Il Sole 24 Ore, is the construction of a campus next year in the western area of Milan. In addition to a spa and a hotel, it will also have the company's new headquarters. Since the summer a construction site has also been open in collaboration with Cdp for the redevelopment of the Terme Berzieri building in Salsomaggiore where a Qc centre will be inaugurated in the first quarter of 2025. Qc estimates to close 2023 with a total turnover of €150 million.