
Italy’s tourism bosses were present at the WTM opening day 

By Tuesday, 07 November 2023 08:54

Italy. A destination for all seasons

Cutting the ribbon at the Italian pavilion on the opening day of the World Travel Market, Italian minister of tourism Daniela Santanchè stressed the importance of selling Italy as a year-round destination.  "We are managing to break away from the traditional tourist seasons, but now we have to make the world understand that Italy is not just the country for skiing weeks in winter or for July and August holidays, but a place to be experienced all year round thanks to our culture, history, and nature.”

daniela santancè Italian tourism minister

“To attract young people we must have higher wages”

“We must move forward in this direction, and we are also working at government level by including tax free shopping in the budget law, and for those who work on Saturdays, Sundays and at night we must have a higher wage. If we want to attract young people we must have higher wages.” The minister pointed out that Italy still does not have a classification of companies working in tourism, saying: “We are working on giving the sector a definition” And appealing to the regions she added: “It is natural that each region should work for its own affirmation, but the real point is that we need to make Italy a recognizable entity in order to attract more visitors.” 

 Ivana Jelenic, CEO of ENIT, the Italian National Tourist Board Ivana Jelinic, CEO of ENIT, the Italian National Tourist Board

“Italy has the largest stand at the WTM”

Speaking at the Italian Pavilion Ivana Jelinic, CEO of ENIT, the Italian National Tourist Board, said: “Italy has the largest stand at the WTM, with a huge number of Italian exhibitors. First impressions are that there is a lot of interest in Italy. With Minister Santanchè we will take stock of the situation. This has been a very intense year participating in our workshops and events around the world, and seeing such a large number of operators here today is a great satisfaction.”


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