
The Pausilypon Park: ancient Roman tunnels and temples in Naples

By Wednesday, 02 October 2024 14:22

The Pausilypon Archaeological and Environmental Park is located in Posilippo, one of the most fascinating districts in Naples.

From Posillipo there are beautiful views over the Bay of Naples

The Pausilypon Park is in Posilippo which is one of Naples best-known districts and has fantastic views over the Bay of Naples.  The entrance to the park complex is from the majestic Seiano Grotto, a Roman-era tunnel over 700 metres long that connects the area of Bagnoli and the Flegreaen Fields with the Gaiola valley.  The Pausilypon Park contains part of the ancient remains of the Pausilypon villa, built in the 1st century BC by Publio Vedio Pollione, and thanks to recovery work being done by the Naples Archaeological Superintendency an initial part of the huge Pausilypon archaeological site has been permanently reopened to the public.    

The tour leads through an ancient Roman tunnel

The tour begins at the entrance to the Grotta di Seiano, a man-made tunnel running for over 700 metres through the tuffaceous hill of Posillipo, This ancient passageway, which was dug out about two thousand years ago, snakes through the fascinating half-light to only to end with the blinding light from lateral underground passages that lead to steep coves from which there are breathtaking sea views.

Napoli Pausilypon

Many ancient Roman remains

Beyond the tunnel there is the area of the villa to which Vedio Pollione gave a name of Greek derivation, "Pausilypon", or "place which stops all the cares" in order to describe the beauty of Posillipo. There are remarkable archaeological remains in the area including a theatre with an overall seating capacity of two thousand which exploited the natural slope of the hill, on the style typical of ancient t Greek amphitheatres, while on the opposite side are the remains of the Odeion, the ancient roofed theatre. Other impressive archaeological finds on this site are the Temple or Sacrarium to the east of the theatre and the Nymphaeum to the west.  

For information: https://www.areamarinaprotettagaiola.it/en/pausilypon


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